Thursday, September 3, 2020

Toby Keith: Unleashed :: Music Essays

Toby Keith: Unleashed As of right now, music is among the hardest organizations to make progress in. The music business and fans are searching for something other than ability and vitality. They need somebody who they can regard. Toby Keith satisfied these desires when he entered the music world. His tremendous achievement depended on his ability, yet his intensity to express his real thoughts. Toby was conceived on July eighth, 1961 in Clinton, Oklahoma. Albeit the vast majority of his youth and secondary school years were spent playing football, he was associated with the Easy Money Band with a few of his companions. In the wake of singing with the gathering for a spell, Toby chose to turn into an independent entertainer, and went to Nashville where he handled his first agreement with Mercury Records. He delivered and composed many hit singles, incorporating â€Å"We Were in Love† and â€Å"Wish I Didn’t Know Now,† yet sappy love tunes didn't fulfill his full creative vision, nor the dreams of his audience members. Mercury Records had turned down various melodies he had composed on the grounds that they dreaded the tunes were excessively dubious. At last, he moved his agreement to Dream Works Records, who discharged his single â€Å"How Do You Like Me Now,† discharged in 1999. The tune was a raving success, catapulting him into notoriety. Toby composed another melody that helped his vocation, however brought down some Americans’ regard for him. â€Å"Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue† is an enthusiastic song concerning the assaults on the World Trade Center, that some United States occupants feel is excessively prideful. In spite of the debate brought about by the new hit single, Toby Keith won the hearts of numerous Americans. He communicated their sentiments about the assault of September eleventh, 2001, in manners that they proved unable. Be that as it may, the accompanying verses caused a ruckus: â€Å"You’ll be grieved that you played with the U S of A†¦ ‘Cuz we’ll put a boot in your rear end, It’s the American way!† Diminish Jennings denied for quite a while to permit Toby to perform on his TV program for the Fourth of July as a result of these verses.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

What Has Nationalism Done To Europe?

What Has Nationalism Done To Europe? Patriotism greatly affected the European nations; I believe that the idea of patriotism and progressivism was extended by Napoleon and French unrest and increased more consideration somewhere in the range of 1750 and 1914. As states were best in class, locals were having pride in their states and their general public. Social orders were isolating in different little groups and they were glad for what they were. In nineteenth Century, Nationalism had exceptionally noteworthy influence in the advancement of Europe. On account of basic national-personality, different little states were joined together and changed into a Country, for example, Germany and Italy. While, hardly any more nations were risen on the globe by accomplishing autonomy; these nations are Romania, Greece, Poland and Bulgaria. Progress and Development of the idea of present day country state got simpler by French Revolution. All over Europe significant research organizations scrutinized the old monarchial arrange and speed up the development of a well known patriotism dedicated to re-sketch Europes political guide. French Revolution assumed an indispensable job in Europes political change by crushing the since quite a while ago settled structures of intensity and control in France and its regions that were vanquished by Napoleon. Trademark and Idea of freedom, correspondence fellowship and radicalism national self-determinism (separately) was done by Revolutionary armed forces. National arousing likewise became out of a scholarly response to the Enlightenment that underscored national personality and built up a sentimental perspective on social self-articulation through nationhood. German thinker Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was the key supporter and advertiser of the modernized thought of the country state. He bolstered that shrewdness of nationality was a glue bond that held present day human progress together in the period when dynastic and strict adherence was in droop. Solid forces of Europe endeavored to restore the old dynastic framework, neglecting the codes of nationality on the side of legitimism, the announcement of standard cases to illustrious force, this endeavor was made in 1815, when Napoleon finished his wars. With the vast majority of Europeans still faithful to their neighborhood states, patriotism was restricted to little bunches of researcher, rationalists and political radical. Also, political control, spoke to by the Carlsbad Decrees distributed in Austria in 1819, pushed patriot fight underground. Term patriotism can be characterized from multiple points of view I think it is an alleged personality of oneself inside topographically sorted out political collectivity is called Nationalism. As it were we can say patriotism is a reliability or dedication to the prosperity of ones country. I conviction that in patriotism country convictions that they will profit by acting independently as opposed to by and large and they underline more on national objectives instead of global objectives. In beginning of Europe before the development of patriotism, individuals were commonly reliable (faithful) to a city or to their specific chief instead of to their country. Toward the finish of eighteenth century American Revolution and French Revolution were begun. Napoleon was the originator of patriotism. He thoroughly took care of his nation. French patriotism pulverized domain (government framework). Johann Gottfried Herder was the main individual who instituted the word patriotism during the late 1770s. According as far as anyone is concerned the term patriotism is typically used to clarify two marvels: (1) the mentality which individuals from a country have when they are specific about the national character (2) the activities taken by the individuals from a country when looking to achieve self-assurance. Patriotism came into the focal point of hopeful discussion for most recent two decades. The progression of patriotism as a rule presents a morally conflicted and entrancing picture. Patriotism is unique in relation to energy .Patriotism is love for mother land. Patriotism is outrageous love and pride for a nation. Presently obviously there is no damage of being glad for your nation if your nation is great on the planet (created and corralled). Be that as it may, to be pleased with your nation, simply because, it is your nation is extremely absurd. Nazism/Fascism is outrageous instances of patriotism. By and large, patriotism is considered as an increasingly negative idea as contrast with the more positive ones. Patriotism is connected straightforwardly to bigotry. The countries frequently consider themselves to be higher and right when in reality they are definitely not. Patriotism has a few negative and positive focuses which can be clarified as: Enthusiasm and national pride; these two things are against national lack of concern. Individuals believe the prosperity of the country to be significant in their lives. Individuals are roused to battle against adversaries. Individuals remain together in each emergency circumstance, for example, an attack or a catastrophic event. Unquestionably, cherishing your nation as opposed to others is a decent trait. Here I might want to give a case of Japan, Japan turned into an incredible country regarding advancements since they are acceptable as well as in light of the fact that they truly love their nation. Patriotism then again is the adoration for ones country above everything, even our own mankind, above ethical quality, and once in a while above good judgment. Aside from positive focuses patriotism likewise has some negative focuses, for example, Bias and bigotry. Patriotism can be a dangerous power inside just as outside the nation, it prompts discontinuity. Abuse or misuse of the individuals by their pioneers. The making of bogus adversaries. Either as real individuals or in ideas, patriotism will in general make the presence of contradicting powers, the individuals who are a danger to the country. I think patriotism makes individuals investigate anything not quite the same as their countrys method of getting things done as an awful thing. Patriotism is basically visually impaired hold up (support) of your nation regardless of what are the conditions. What's more, dazzle regard and backing is barbaric, silly, and will eventually loan you to being constrained by an individual with a ground-breaking will. Patriotism conflicts with the idea of progressivism. History has demonstrated that any endeavors to forestall progressivism will never really wreck you. In inconsistency patriotism can be revolting because of a typical reason individuals from abroad can be disapproved of and looked as inconsistent figures. Patriotism was in Europe as well as it was spreading everywhere throughout the world particularly after the World War 1. Another broad impact of the war was the ascent of patriotism in Asia and Africa. In Asia Japan was experiencing forceful patriotism, the primary Eastern nation which changed itself into a cutting edge state. The pioneer of the Indian National Congress, Mohandas Gandhi, profoundly energized his kin for national freedom. The pioneer of an acclaimed party named the Nationalist Peoples Party in China was additionally propelled for a fruitful national insurgency. After World War II (1939-1945) numerous pilgrim nations turned out to be financially frail as a result of forceful patriotism and they were affected by political radicalism. Numerous nations enthusiastically conceded freedom to their settlements. After war patriot developments brought about numerous new country states, including Israel, Morocco, Libya, the Sudan, Ghana, the United Arab Republic (Egypt and Syria), and Iraq. During the 1960s and 1970s numerous once British, French, or Belgian states in Africa got free. During the 1990s Jewish, Arab, and Palestinian patriot parties kept on producing political unsteadiness in the Middle East. In Eastern Europe the decay of Communist guideline added to the completion of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia. In the nineteenth century, a thought of sentimental patriotism moved the landmass of Europe changing nations of the mainland. A few nations, for example, Germany and Italy were made by joining diverse littler states with a shared objective which was national intrigue or national character. Different nations, for example, Greece, Poland came in to being in the wake of winning their freedom. I think the entire story of patriotism began when the French Revolution tiled the path for the advanced state. In 1914 number of global realms was expanding radically. The French Revolution which was begun by Napoleon by overcoming number of French domains. This was when political change of Europe was begun. The armys motto was freedom, balance and fraternity and their thoughts depended on progressivism and national character. In 1815, when Napoleonic wars were going to end, the significant forces of Europe attempted to restore the old government framework. The vast majority of the individuals of Europe were as yet dedicated to their home city. On the off chance that we talk about effect of patriotism in Eastern Europe so the serious issue was patriotism just as socialism. Socialism itself is an exceptionally tight and frail thought. Then again when patriotism cooperates with socialism it makes political issues and it debilitate the country. The patriotism affects socialism twice yet it relies upon conditions. It can reinforce socialism among free and solid nations simply like Soviet Union (which was a piece of Eastern Europe). Or on the other hand patriotism can debilitate socialism in needy and powerless nations. Patriotism plainly can possibly either reinforce or debilitate various countries. At the point when patriotism was spreading in Eastern Europe it began destabilizing various domains, for example, Hapsburg and Ottoman. Russia was engaged with Balkan political framework in which they began professing to be a person or thing simply like a boss and they forced Slavic freedoms against the Slavs of Turkey and Austria. This expanded pressures between Austria, Turkey, and Russia and drove the states towards World War I. According to my learning patriotism was wherever in Europe after World War 1. There were number of nationalistic Socialist gatherings in Italy, Spain, Romania, France and United Kingdom. Be that as it may, those gatherings were not as effective a

Friday, August 21, 2020

September 6, 2017 Essays - Education, Assumption,

September 6, 2017 Test Three Gates of Gold Break down components of journal (Apply to Hughes) Gover your grammer smaller than usual test with Bar Chart For Friday Peruse My Alter diary on Blackboard-Course content test. Search for an email, presumably in A3011 Three Gates of Gold Is it valid? Is it needful ? Is it kind? Title-Salvation 2 nd sentence piece Settle on choice about time You must have foundation Use images ( Simile , Metaphors, Personification) One line passage can be successful Must have discourse and individuals in your story Have a huge point 700-800 words max Journal originates from the word memory Where and Setting Who? Discourse What drove up? Foundation and age For when? Peak ( Climax is when struggle has been settled) Why? For what reason are we recounting story, what is the hugeness of this story Try not to part with point until end What feeling do we need in peruser, they have to feel our feeling Verb modifier adjusts everything

Monday, June 15, 2020

Applying Early to College is a Must

Applying Early to College is a Must July 4 You have to commit to one college eventually. You might as well commit to a school for the Early Decision or Early Action round so your odds of admission are significantly improved. Applying Early to college is a must. If youre a rising senior and youre hoping to gain admission to a highly selective college next year, we hope youll be applying Early Decision or Early Action to your dream school(s). If you want to go to Columbia, we hope youll be applying Early Decision. If you want to go to UNC, we hope youll be applying Early Action. If you want to go to Duke, we hope youll be applying Early Decision. Its the way to go. Its the only way to go. Lets say that youre undecided on where you want to go to college next year. Thats very common! The vast majority of students havent yet honed in on exactly which university is their first choice school. Its only the beginning of July, after all, and high school students are known to be procrastinators. The Early Decision and Early Action deadline isnt tomorrow morning so they figure they still have time and maybe they wont even apply Early and instead just wait it out and apply in the Regular Decision round so they dont have to make any sort of commitment. But these students are making a major mistake. The odds of gaining admission to your dream college are significantly better in the Early Decision or Early Action round as compared to the Regular Decision round. Just check out our comprehensive Ivy League Admissions Statistics  if you want to see the data for yourself. Its not up for debate. The data is the data. Come a year from now if youre a rising high school senior, youll only be attending one school anyway. Youll likely have to make a commitment to a university at some point (unless youre denied admission by all but one school yikes!). So why not make it now? Why not use one of the best cards you have available to you by applying Early? So apply to your dream school Early. And if you dont yet have a dream school, find one. Dont be a dreamer, be a doer, as Greys Anatomy and Scandal creator Shonda Rhimes said in her recent Dartmouth commencement address. Start doing now.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Tips for Applying to Clinical Psychology PhD Programs

Clinical psychology is the most popular and competitive area of study in psychology, and arguably the most competitive of graduate programs in all social and hard sciences. Counseling psychology is a close second. If you hope to study either of these fields you must be on your game. Even the best applicants dont get into all of their top choices and some dont get into any. How do you improve your odds of gaining admission to a graduate program in clinical or counseling psychology? Obtain Excellent GRE Scores This one is a no-brainer. Your scores on the Graduate Record Exam will make or break your doctoral application in competitive fields like clinical and counseling psychology. High GRE scores are important because many clinical and counseling doctoral programs receive hundreds of applications. When a graduate program receives more than 500 applications, the admissions committee looks for ways to weed out applicants. GRE scores are a common way of narrowing the applicant pool. Excellent GRE scores not only gain you admittance to graduate school, but they may also get you funding. For example, applicants with high GRE quantitative scores might be offered teaching assistantships in statistics or a research assistantship with a faculty member. Get Research Experience Applicants to graduate school in clinical and counseling psychology need research experience. Many students believe that applied experience working with people will help their application. They look for internships, practica, and volunteer experiences. Unfortunately applied experience is useful only in small doses. Instead doctoral programs, specifically Ph.D. programs, look for research experience and research experience trumps all other extracurricular activities. Research experience is out of class experience conducting research under the supervision of a faculty member. It usually begins with working on a professors research. Volunteer to help in any way needed. This might include administering surveys, entering data, and looking up research articles. It often also includes tasks like copying and collating papers. Competitive applicants design and carry out independent studies under the supervision of a faculty member. Ideally, some of your research will be presented at undergraduate and regional conferences, and perhaps even published in an undergraduate journal. Understand the Value of Research Experience Research experience shows that you can think like a scientist, problem solve, and understand how to ask and answer scientific questions. Faculty look for students who show a good fit to their research interests, can contribute to their lab, and is competent. Research experience suggests a baseline skill level and is an indicator of your ability to succeed in the program and complete a dissertation. Some applicants gain research experience by earning a masters degree in a research-oriented field such as experimental psychology. This option often appeals to students with little preparation or low-grade point averages as supervised experience with a faculty member highlights your potential to become a researcher. Know the Field Not all clinical and counseling doctoral programs are the same. There are three classes of clinical and counseling doctoral programs: ScientistScientist-practitionerPractitioner-scholar They differ in the relative weight given to training in research and practice. Students in scientist programs earn PhDs and are trained exclusively as scientists; no training is offered in practice. Scientist-practitioner programs train students in both science and practice. Most students earn PhDs and are trained as scientists as well as practitioners and learn to apply scientific approaches and techniques to practice. Practitioner-scholar programs train students to be practitioners rather than researchers. Students earn a PsyD and receive extensive training in therapeutic techniques. Match the Program Know the difference between a Ph.D. and PsyD. Choose the type of program that youd like to attend, whether it emphasizes research, practice, or both. Do your homework. Know each graduate programs training emphases. Admissions committees look for applicants whose interests match their training emphases. Apply to a scientist program and explain that your professional goals lie in private practice and youll receive a rejection letter instantly. Ultimately you cannot control the admission committees decision, but you can choose a program that fits you well, and you present yourself in the best light possible.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Taking a look at the Movie Precious - 652 Words

The movie Precious is revolves heavily on the severe outcomes of life and how the sever sufferings that some suffer can really effect one’s mental status. The main character of the movie is Claireece Precious Jones, referred to as Precious, a 16-year-old girl who has lived through a life of abuses with her abusive mother Monique and step father Rodney; suffering at a very young age from both her parents. In the movie, Precious lives in a ghetto in Harlem New York surviving on welfare from an unemployed mother and her first child. Precious among other problems from an abusive lifestyle, has critical eating disorders and finds comfort in constant eating. The movie is based on the novel Push by Sapphire (Albers, 2009). Precious faces ceaseless abuses from her mom. According to Albers, Precious’s mother, did not protect her from her fathers abuse, who constantly molested her and her mother forced her to have sex with her step father which resulted in her getting pregnant twice. Mom rather aided the abuse in so many ways. One through food. She intimidates Precious into preparing greasy, fatty foods for her. She brutally makes Precious eat even when she doesn’t feel like. Making her daughter fat helps her secure herself causing other to reject her. Also, her fatness causes her to hate her daughter more, who she is resentful of her for many reasons. Avoiding Precious from controlling her own hunger is another way of abusing Precious body and disrespect her personalShow MoreRelatedThroughout The Movie Precious, There Are Several Times836 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout the movie Precious, there are several times when the audience witnesses trauma and its effect on Precious’ life . These traumatizing events include sexual abuse, verbal abuse, physical abuse, and emotional abuse. When people go through these events, their mind will find ways to cope with their situation. These coping mechanisms are depersonalization, derealization, detachment, and dissociation. Depersonalization is defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5Read MoreThe Movie `` Precious ``1033 Words   |  5 Pagesresponsibility, trust, or power† ( Pg. 130). The movie â€Å"Precious†, which is an adaptation of the novel â€Å"Push† by Sapphire, touches on every aspect of this definition of child abuse, and although this is a movie, unfortunately it is a reality for 6 million children in America. Any part of this movie at any given time can relate to any aspect of child abuse, but I have chosen specific parts for specific examples. From the very beginning of the movie, anyone can see the abuse that was going on, butRead MorePrecious Movie Analysis1212 Words   |  5 PagesPrecious is a movie that was produced based off a book. The movie was a story about a 16-year-old girl Claireece â€Å"Precious† Jones who was abused by her family emotionally, physically, mentally, and sexually. (Magness, Siegel-Magness, Daniels, 2009) Taking at a look at this from a social worker perspective one can look at how to address the situation and how one work with a potential client like Precious. The film addresses many issues that a client may come across including the micro, mezzo, andRead MorePrecious Movie Paper821 Words   |  4 PagesPrecious Hollywood has never understood the real meaning of poverty, culture class, deviance, or sexual orientation until a director, Lee Daniels, had read the book â€Å"Push†, by Saphire, which the movie is an exact replicate of the book. When I had first seen the movie, I was very astonished at all the cursing and abuse that they had shown, I was also amazed that the director Lee Daniels, went over the line to show how hard it actually is to be a poor, young 16-year-old, African AmericanRead MoreMovie Analysis : The Maltese Falcon 711 Words   |  3 Pagesthought to this film was one of curiosity and nostalgia. Filmed and acted in 1941, this movie beautifully, in black and white, captures the unnamed city with perfection. The cinematography before CGI was always impressive and the acting was phenomenal. The basic plot was intricate and somewhat confusing. There was a private detective, Sam Spade, who had a partner that was murdered within the first ten minutes of the movie. This starts a whole new series of events. A manipulative woman who has informationRead MoreDevelopmental Assessment of Childhood1767 Words   |  8 PagesDevelopmental Assessment of Childhood: PRECIOUS The film Precious is an emotional movie that deals with the unfortunate realities of everyday life for some individuals. The film that stares Gabourey Sidibe who plays the main character Clarice â€Å"Precious† Jones is based out of Harlem in the year of 1987. Precious is a sixteen year-old obese and uneducated teenager whom has had to grow up in a severely dysfunctional family environment. Her mother verbally and physically abuses her, oftenRead MorePrecious Final Paper1864 Words   |  8 PagesThe movie Precious is a 2009 American drama film directed by Lee Daniels. Precious is an adaptation of the 1996 novel â€Å"Push† by Sapphire. The film stars Gabourney Sidibe, Mariah Carey, Mo’Nique and Paula Patton. The film takes place in Harlem in 1987 where an obese, 16 year old female named Claireece P. â€Å"Precious† Jones lives in a Harlem ghetto with her dysfunctional and abusive mother Mary. The family resides in a Section 8 tenement and subsist s on welfare. Precious has been â€Å"invisible† to theRead MorePrecious Lee Daniels1798 Words   |  8 Pages In the movie â€Å" Precious â€Å" by Lee Daniels, Gabourey Sidibe plays a sixteen years old, illiterate and overweight girl name Precious, who lives in Harlem, New York. She lives with her mother Mary Jones, who was entropic and abusive to her. The abuse and oppression was so traumatic for Precious, she would often dissociate herself from the situation and pretend to be someone else. Losing track of time, her situation and herself was her coping mechanism; throughout the movie it appeared that sheRead MoreAnalysis Of Indian Women In India1155 Words   |  5 PagesMoreover, Indian women just cant escape from getting picked on. Even at home there is lots of pressure, especially when money is involved. There is a big hair business system, taking place in India. It attracts many buyers mostly the Chinese and Eastern Europeans, but the Americans dont fall too far behind. We as well take some part in this. In India, the men force their wives to share of their hair for money, some children are forced into doing it as well. Some as well as forced, are tricked tooRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Pleasantville 1325 Words   |  6 Pageswith the fifties addiction in the movie. He s obsessed with the fifty show â€Å"Pleasantville† that plays reruns. This is set in a simple place where everyone is everyone is a perfect character and perky, hostile is dirty word and life is pleasingly pleasant. David addicted to this perfect ideal world, David deepens himself in Pleasantville as an innocent escape from the tough world in his era, that he must share with pretty, popular twin sister, Jennifer. In the movie, one evening, life just his them

Foreshadowing In Tale Of Two Cities Essay Example For Students

Foreshadowing In Tale Of Two Cities Essay In Charles Dickens, Tale of Two Cities, the author repeatedly foreshadows the impending revolution. In Chapter Five of Book One, Dickens includes the breaking of a wine cask to show a large, impoverished crowd gathered in a united cause. Later, we find find Madame Defarge symbolically knitting, what we come to find out to be, the death warrants of the St. Evremonde family. Also, after Marquis is murdered for killing the small child with his horses, we come to see the theme of revenge that will become all too common. The author uses vivid foreshadowing to paint a picture of civil unrest among the common people that will come to lead to the French Revolution. In Chapter Five of Book One, Dickens includes the breaking of a wine cask to show a large, impoverished crowd gathered in a united cause. At this point in the novel, Lucie Mannette and Mr. Lorry had just arrived in Paris to find Lucies father. The author appears to get off of the subject to describe the breaking of the wine cask. This however, is much more significant than it would first appear. Outside of a wine-shop, a wine cask is broken in the street. Many people rush around the puddle on the ground trying to scoop it up and drink as much as they can. Dickens describes the rush to the spilled wine by saying The people within reach had suspended their business, or their idleness to run to the spot and drink the wine some men kneeled down, made scoops with their two hands joined and sipped.(Dickens 27). This goes to show how desperate the people are. The quote also infers that many people are unemployed. As a joke, a man writes the word BLOOD on a wall next to where the cask broke open. This foreshadows the violence of the unruly mobs later in the novel. This scene points out how impoverished the people of Paris are and how rowdy a crowd can become when they are unified under a united cause. Later, we find find Madame Defarge symbolically knitting, what we come to find out to be, the death warrant of the St. Evremonde family. Madame Defarge was a very hateful character. She hated the upper-class and was never able to get past this hatred. Thus, she and her husband become leaders of the Jaquerie, a group that is planning the revolution. Madame Defarge knits constantly. In Chapter Fifteen, we come to find out that what she is actually knitting is a register of those that she thinks must be killed. We then find out that she as decided that Charles Darnay should be included on her register. This foreshadows the unjust imprisonment and death sentence that Darnay is given later in the novel. This not only foreshadows the imprisonment of Darnay, but also how ruthless the revolution will get. People will die because of who they are related to, or who they work for. Madame Defarges knitting proves to be much more than knitting and it foreshadowed the savage violence that would oc cur later in the novel. After the Marquis is murdered for killing the small child with his horses, we come to see the theme of revenge that will become all too common. When we are introduced to Marquis St. Evremonde, we immediately find him to be a selfish, arrogant aristocrat. The Marquis is so different from the common people that he looks at them as though they were as insignificant as cattle. Returning to his home from Paris, the Marquis carriage hits a small child and kills him. The Marquis is not the least bit apologetic and says Its is extraordinary to me that you people cannot take care of yourself and your children. one or the other of you is for ever in the way. How do I know what injury you have done my horses?(Dickens 107) Soon after this event, the father, Gaspard, avenges his sons death by murdering the Marquis. Gaspard is later hung for his act, but he still is presented as a noble character. This foreshadows the future revolution by showing the lower class starting to rise up and defend them selves against the class injustice which is present throughout France at this time. There were many instances in which the author foreshadowed the coming revolution. He used Gaspards revenge on the Marquis St. Evremonde as a way of showing the friction between the classes and as a way of showing the lower class stand up to the oppressive aristocrats. He also used Madame Defarges knitting, as a way of foreshadowing the way Charles Darnay, and many others, would be imprisoned and sentenced to death at the revolutionaries trials. In addition to that, the author used the instance of the wine cask breaking open in the street to emphasizes how poverty-stricken the common people of France were and how tumultuous a crowd of people united around a common cause can be. Charles Dickens used foreshadowing to great effect in his novel Tale of Two Cities.